Greetings, this is Mrs. Taylor, proud principal of Warren Central High School.

I wanted to send a shout out to all who came out to our Back To School Night! I love when we have families in the building and teachers have a chance to interact with students and families outside of school hours! Hopefully, you were able to get a little feel for where your students' classes are and learn a little about classroom expectations. If you have not already please join your student's Canvas courses so that you are able to receive regular updates regarding student classes, assignments, and general classroom updates. Additionally, please log-in to ParentVue to keep up with your students grades/attendance and receive regular school announcements. My goal is to be very transparent with students and families regarding school and classroom expectations by communicating regularly. In addition to our Sunday messages and calls you should also be receiving our school newsletter each Sunday with updates, reminders, and information on upcoming events. If you are not receiving our newsletter or email communications please double check that we have accurate contact information for you in Synergy. You may call your student's cohort office to update information. 

This past Friday students had one last opportunity to take their ID pictures. All students are expected to have their IDs visible on their persons at all times. Lanyards and ID holders are 

initially provided for free to students. Lost IDs and Lanyards will cost students $5 to replace. We've told students to treat IDs like their phones and keep up with them and have them on at all times. IDs will be utilized to access extracurricular activities, the bookstore, passes out of classes, access to the bookstore, and for verification of identity by adults throughout the building. IDs are another one of our safety measures to ensure we know who is in our building at all times. Please note that the schools that we compete with in the surrounding districts are also requiring our students to have their student IDs to attend events. Please check with your student that they are in possession of their IDs. 

Again, I am excited about how well we have started the school year. We continue to learn the ins and outs of block together and are encouraged by all of the learning and engagement that is happening within our classrooms. Remember if there are questions regarding block scheduling you can always email those to blockschedule@warren.k12.in.us

Have a great evening!